Let's connect!

I’m Manick




I’m the founder and CTO of LinkGraph, a full-service digital marketing agency that provides SEO services and growth marketing to hundreds of brands. I’m also the creator of the SearchAtlas SEO software suite. Growing brands through SEO is my greatest passion and life’s work.

As a skilled programmer, I bring a unique perspective to my SEO practice and thought leadership. With the right data-driven SEO strategy, I believe any brand can break into a market with ease and outrank their biggest competitors.

We’re making some big moves at LinkGraph which has been an exciting adventure. At the end of the day it’s all about the impact I want to have on the search space, in my philanthropy and activism. If you feel similarly, I’d love to connect.

Read My Entrepreneurship Journey

Recent Reels

We moved to Medellin for growth.⁠
Our team needed a fresh start.⁠
The decision paid off.⁠
Living in Medellin has been incredible. The city is lush and green, and the food is fresh and delicious. Moving here from Palm Beach and Las Vegas was a big change, but it was necessary for our company, @searchatlasseo .⁠
We needed to build a team of product specialists who truly understood our product. Medellín, seemed like the perfect place. We spent two weeks in boot camps, training and teaching them about SEO and Search Atlas. This intense training helped us ramp up quickly.⁠
As our company grows, we will likely move to different places. But Medellin has a special magic that will always draw us back. Even though we will be spending more time in San Francisco next year, we won’t leave completely.⁠
Our lifestyle involves a lot of traveling. Over the next two months, we will be hopping from city to city, presenting at big conferences. It’s a busy schedule, but it’s fun and exciting. We wouldn’t change a thing.⁠
Medellin has become a significant part of our journey, and it will always hold a special place in our hearts.
We helped an online casino, one of the toughest niches on Google, go from zero to hero in just a few months.⁠
1.57 million clicks. 7.8 million impressions. 93,000 monthly organic visitors.⁠
166 keywords ranking in position one on Google.⁠
The online casino world is no joke. It’s like building a sand castle in a hurricane. Massive established giants dominate the game. ⁠
They have deep pockets and killer strategies. ⁠
They don’t play nice with newcomers.⁠
But here’s where it gets exciting.⁠
We didn’t just level the playing field. We crushed them. Our holistic SEO approach left no stone unturned. ⁠
Before the project started, we helped the newcomer with technical optimization, content strategy, authority building, and improving the user experience. The whole nine yards.⁠
This was a David and Goliath story for the digital age.⁠
Even the underdogs can come out on top.⁠
From 3,162 to 140K monthly visitors—here’s how we did it.⁠
We took a B2B security underdog and turned them into a multibillion-dollar IPO candidate. How did we do it? A holistic SEO strategy—technical optimization, killer content, authority links, and seamless UX.⁠
Want to see how this can work for YOUR business? Comment “OTTO” and I’ll send you a 14-day trial to see for yourself!
We took the biggest risk in our 7 years of building Search Atlas.⁠
—one that could’ve changed everything⁠
For months, this year, we poured all our engineering efforts into building OTTO.⁠
We bet the house on SEO automation and dynamic SEO.⁠
We stopped working on all other products and focused solely on this. ⁠
It was a gamble. We spent three or four months working non-stop to create this technology.⁠
And it paid off big time. ⁠
In just 3 months since launch, over 10,000 businesses are using OTTO. ⁠
They are seeing their SEO rankings improve every day. ⁠
We took a chance in a market that was unsure about SEO automation.⁠
This was a huge victory for us. ⁠
Search Atlas is having a banner year. ⁠
Trusting our instincts led us to a major success. ⁠
As a business owner, sometimes you have to go with your gut. ⁠
Trust your intuition. It can lead you to the right path.⁠
I helped companies like Facebook go public. ⁠
Then I quit to learn coding.⁠
From finance to live entertainment tech, and eventually to digital marketing and SEO.⁠
Here’s my story,⁠
and how I built multiple companies and found my passion in SEO...⁠
I actually started my career in finance at Goldman Sachs.⁠
Worked in investment banking, helping companies like Facebook with IPOs.⁠
But I quit.⁠
Spent a year teaching myself to code, ⁠
and became proficient.⁠
I realized there was another path.⁠
A risky one.⁠
But one I will forever be so grateful I took.⁠
↳ Soon after, I became CTO of my first tech company in live entertainment ticketing.⁠
↳ Moved into real estate, using tech to find vacation rental investments.⁠
↳ Shifted to digital marketing.⁠
↳ My first company, Ruckus, focused on getting products in front of people.⁠
Some things worked, others didn’t, but I found my passion in SEO.⁠
That led to building LinkGraph and Search Atlas, where we explore how Google ranks information and how to stay ahead.⁠
It was not a linear journey. At all.⁠
But your journey shapes who you are, ⁠
just as mine has brought me to where I am today, ⁠
teaching me valuable lessons along the way. ⁠
• Always remain open to new paths.⁠
• Self-learning can open doors to unexpected opportunities.⁠
• Building a strong network is just as important as any technical skill.⁠
Here’s a LESSON: Always give more than you take.⁠
My dad taught me that the last piece isn’t about pizza—it’s about value. In business, if you’re always grabbing for the last piece, it shows. Want long-term partnerships? Give more, take less.⁠
What’s your approach—are you a giver or a taker in business?
It’s not about more content—it’s about BETTER content.⁠
Update your existing content. Google loves refreshed pages, and a few smart tweaks can push you to the top. Why wait months for new posts to rank when your old ones can rise today?⁠
Ready for a content overhaul? Comment “OTTO” for a FREE trial today!
Had a blast speaking at the Holistic SEO Mastermind Event in Kusadasi Turkiye, organized by @koraytugberkgubur 
It was eye-opening. The industry is evolving fast.⁠
This event wasn't just about SEO.⁠
It was about a holistic approach to digital success.⁠
Content + Technical + On-Page + Off-Page + User Experience = Holistic SEO⁠
SEO is not just about keywords.⁠
Instead, it’s about a comprehensive approach that covers every aspect of a website.⁠
All 5 components will boost your rankings.⁠
But ignore one of them, and your SEO efforts may falter.⁠
↳ Without Content:⁠
Without high-quality content, your website will struggle to provide value,⁠
Leading to poor engagement and high bounce rates.⁠
↳ Without Technical:⁠
Without a well-optimized technical foundation,⁠
Your website may suffer from slow load times, poor mobile performance, and security issues.⁠
↳ Without On-Page:⁠
Without proper on-page optimization,⁠
Your individual pages may fail to rank for relevant keywords.⁠
↳ Without Off-Page:⁠
Without building authority through external factors,⁠
Your website may lack credibility and struggle to compete.⁠
↳ Without User Experience:⁠
Without a focus on user experience,⁠
Visitors may leave your site quickly, reducing engagement and conversions.⁠
So it's crucial to support all 5 parts of this formula:⁠
1. Content:⁠
Create content that meets the needs of your audience and is optimized for search engines.⁠
2. Technical:⁠
Ensure your website is fast, secure, and easy to navigate.⁠
3. On-Page:⁠
Optimize each page with relevant keywords, meta tags, and internal links.⁠
4. Off-Page:⁠
Build your website’s authority through backlinks, reviews, and citations.⁠
5. User Experience:⁠
Focus on creating a seamless, enjoyable experience for your visitors.⁠
Holistic SEO is not just about quick fixes.⁠
It’s a long-term strategy. ⁠
It’s about building a high-quality website that stands the test of time.⁠
This is the future of SEO!
Some webpages can change lives.⁠
They’re called YMYL content.⁠
And they matter a lot in SEO.⁠
YMYL stands for “Your Money or Your Life.” ⁠
Since it started, YMYL has reshaped SEO. Google focuses on delivering the most relevant, trustworthy results for important queries. ⁠
What falls under YMYL? News, government info, finance, shopping, health, safety, and content about various groups of people.⁠
But it’s not limited to these. ⁠
Any page offering advice or helping with decisions can be YMYL. ⁠
But it’s important to take into account that Google ranks YMYL content differently. ⁠
They look at expertise, authoritativeness, trustworthiness, and credibility. ⁠
They hold YMYL content to the highest standards of quality and accuracy. ⁠
Ranking for YMYL queries is tough but rewarding.⁠
Choose your topics wisely. ⁠
Think about your brand, industry, and goals.
Want to EXPAND into new markets? Here’s how to master international SEO.⁠
1️⃣ Backlinks matter: Want to rank in a new country? Get links from local sites to boost authority.⁠
2️⃣ Speak their language: English isn’t enough. Create content in your audience’s native language. ⁠
3️⃣ Technical fix: Use hreflang tags to guide Google to the right content for the right users. ⁠
Ready to expand? Let OTTO handle the heavy lifting. Visit searchatlas.com
Myopic SEO is KILLING your growth. ⁠
Focusing on ONE aspect of SEO? Been there, lost $500k. ⁠
SEO isn’t just about backlinks or technicals—it’s about BALANCE: authority, content, technicals and UX.⁠
Is your SEO strategy too one-dimensional? Try searchatlas.com for a Holistic SEO approach.
Is your keyword OBSESSION holding you back?⁠
SEO isn’t about stuffing keywords anymore—it’s about TOPICAL AUTHORITY. If you want to own the conversation and dominate search, you need a strategy built on depth and expertise.⁠
Are you ready to rethink your SEO game? Drop a 🔥 if you’re with us!
Keeping up used to be tough, but OTTO changes EVERYTHING. ⁠
Google’s updates keep changing and changing—here’s Part 2 with five more updates that have made a huge impact.⁠
RankBrain transformed how Google reads intent. Possum reshaped local SEO, making proximity more important. The Medic update emphasized trust and expertise, while BERT focused on understanding natural language. And now, AI Overviews bring generative responses to the forefront.⁠
Curious? Comment ‘OTTO’ below, and I’ll fill you in!
Is Google RUINING your SEO? ⁠
Here’s why their updates could be costing you big—and how to fight back.⁠
From Panda to Penguin to Hummingbird, these updates have completely reshaped the SEO game.⁠
Google’s cracking down on low-quality content, focusing on local search, and user intent. If you’re not adapting, you’re losing.⁠
Ready to stay ahead?⁠
Part 2 is coming soon—don’t miss it. We’ll show you exactly how to future-proof your SEO strategy.⁠
Stay alert. Stay prepared.⁠
Head to SearchAtlas.com and see how OTTO can keep you ahead of the curve.
@dreamforce is officially over! Loved connecting with so many people and showing them the power of automating SEO with @searchatlasseo !  #df24
Is Social Media OVERRATED for Your Business? ⁠
People often ask me: what’s the most overrated trend in marketing right now? My answer? Overreliance on TikTok and Instagram.⁠
Yes, they’re popular—but If you’re ignoring search engines, you’re missing where real intent happens.⁠
Is your business too focused on social? Let’s talk.
Proud of my amazing team here at Dreamforce! We’re live and ready to take your SEO to the next level with @searchatlasseo 

If you’re here, stop by our booth and say hi—we’d love to chat! #DF24
Is Your SEO Ready For Google’s Next Update?⁠
The key to staying ahead of the game? FOCUS ON WHAT GOOGLE TRULY VALUES.⁠
Authority. Content. Technical SEO. UX. These four pillars are what keep you on top, no matter how Google changes the rules.⁠
It’s not about tricks—it’s about strategy. Think long-term growth with high-quality backlinks, valuable content, and a seamless user experience.⁠
And the best part? OTTO does it all for you.⁠
Ready to see how it works? COMMENT “OTTO” and let’s talk strategy.
LOVED watching Marlon’s video about @searchatlasseo ! ⁠
Seeing how Search Atlas is a key part of his SEO strategy honestly made my day. From keyword research to site audits, and even AI-powered content planning—it’s helping him deliver real results for his clients. 
It’s moments like these that remind us why we do what we do. Our customers’ success = our happiness. ⁠
Thanks for sharing, @onebasemedia ! Keep crushing it! ⁠
Curious to see how he does it? Watch the full video on his YouTube channel!
Know the struggle to come up with engaging content ideas that actually perform? ⁠

Wanna know Ruby’s secret? Topical Maps.
Start with a seed, your main keyword, and OTTO will generate 10 key topics with 10 articles for each—covering all search intents. From informational to commercial, OTTO goes deep, building topical authority fast.⁠
The result? Google sees you as an expert and you earn those top rankings—no need for high site authority.⁠
Want to automate this whole process? Check out how OTTO can do it all at searchatlas.com.
OTTO isn’t just another AI tool—it’s built to understand your business inside and out. Powered by real data like Google Search Console and your site’s content, OTTO by @searchatlasseo delivers SEO results that actually matter.⁠
Want to see how the Holistic SEO Framework can level up your SEO? @jasperhighlevel breaks it all down in his YouTube video.⁠
Check it out on his channel now! ⁠🔥
Tired of paying monthly for citation management? You’re not alone.⁠
Most people think they have to stay stuck with services like Yext or SEMRush just to keep their business info updated. But the reality? Those services don’t carry the same weight with Google anymore. You’re paying for less impact.⁠
Here’s the better option: What if you could manage all your citations with a one-time payment of $25? No more subscriptions.⁠
With OTTO by @searchatlasseo , your business info gets synced across Google, Apple Maps, Yellow Pages, and more, with unlimited updates for a full year. It’s a simple, effective solution.⁠
Interested? Comment “OTTO” to try it out for free.
What if SEO could be automated?⁠
Meet OTTO—the AI that revolutionizes your site’s performance.⁠
Our custom AI model does the heavy lifting:⁠
✓ On-page SEO? Done.⁠
✓ Local SEO? Covered.⁠
✓ Content strategy? 10x your output, easy.⁠
Ready to transform your online presence?⁠

Comment “SEO” below and let’s chat!
The new game changer in Google search:⁠
Forums + Genuine Interactions + Authority = Top Search Results⁠
Google now values forums.⁠
But not just any forum.⁠
↳ Google’s New Focus:⁠
Google is prioritizing forums in search results. This is because forums offer real insights from real people. They are rich in detailed answers and genuine discussions.⁠
↳ Why It Matters:⁠
Platforms like Reddit and Quora are seeing more visibility. Google is revisiting these forums as trusted sources. But only established forums with strong moderation and authority make the cut.⁠
↳ The Opportunity:⁠
For businesses, this means a chance to gain visibility. It requires a standout product or service that sparks organic discussions. Strategic digital PR efforts can also help generate buzz and positive mentions.⁠
To leverage this, focus on three key areas:⁠
1. Genuine Engagement:⁠
Engage in conversations genuinely. Address questions and queries. Position your brand positively through thoughtful contributions.⁠
2. Strategic Presence:⁠
Appear naturally in these forums. Avoid forcing narratives. Approach with transparency and authenticity.⁠
3. Adding Value:⁠
Add value where it matters most. Contribute insights and helpful information. Enhance your brand’s visibility by being a valuable part of the community.⁠
Understanding Google’s forum presence is key. It’s not about controlling the conversation. It’s about adding value and being a trusted source.

My Writing

I've been fortunate to contribute to some amazing publications. Check out my most recent pieces.
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5 SEO tasks you can automate to...
Wordable - June 23, 2023
10 Tips for Creating a Top-Performing SEO...
INC. MASTERS - September 9
Don't Neglect SEO in Your Growth Marketing...
Allbusiness - June 28
Public Relations and SEO: How to Use...
SEJ - June 1
24-Point Enterprise SEO Audit For Large Sites...
Wordstream - May 5
Internal Linking: Types, Tips & Tactics to...
G2 - 4/27/22
On-Page SEO: A Step-by-Step Guide to Optimizing...
Search Engine Journal - 4/19/22
Small Business Marketing 101: Getting Started
SEOblog - 4/6/22
To Disavow or Not Disavow? And Other...
Jumpstory - 3/24/22
Content Pruning: When to Say Goodbye to...
Serpstat - 3/21/22
Backlink Profile Benchmarking: Measuring your Site Authority...
Outbrain - 3/14/22
5 Ways to Build a Profitable Content...
Improvado - 3/7/22
SEO Dashboard in Google Data Studio: A...
Search Engine Journal - 3/7/22
7 Ways To Use Semantic SEO For...
Unstack - 3/1/22
Product Page SEO: 13 Tips for Ecommerce...
AllBusiness - 2/25/22
The Best Schema Markups for Small Businesses
ClickBank - 2/4/22
How Affiliates Can Work with Google to...
Built In - 2/4/22
How AI SEO Tools Are Changing the...
Digital Summit - 2/2/22
6 Skills of an Effective SEO Strategist
Forbes - 1/27/22
5 Proactive SEO Practices To Help Rank...
Wordstream - 1/25/22
The Top 10 SEO Trends & Strategies...
Search Engine Journal - 1/21/22
The Only Shopify SEO Checklist You Need...
Digital Summit - 1/19/22
Best Tools for SEO Campaign Tracking
MartechSeries - 1/14/22
6 SEO Tips for 2022 and Beyond
Search Engine Journal - 1/13/22
17 SEO Copywriting Tips To Help Your...
WordStream - 1/12/22
The Right Way to Increase Domain Authority...
SmartBrief - 1/10/22
How algorithm updates impact your SEO
MarketingProfs - 12/21/21
Five Ways to Improve Content Quality Signals...
AllBusiness - 12/20/21
5 Tips for Allocating Your Digital Marketing...
Digital Summit - 12/14/21
5 Signs that your SEO Strategy is...
ReadWrite - 12/6/21
Google’s Title Tag Update and the Future...
HONEYBOOK - 11/24/21
How to Scale your Content Marketing with...
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How to Boost CTRs From Your Organic...
AllBusiness - 11/13/21
7 Questions to Ask Before You Hire...
Search Engine Journal - 11/1/2021
Why (& How) Topic Clusters Are Your...
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Why SEO is the Most Affordable Customer...
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Stop Believing These 5 SEO Myths
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A Technical Guide to Google's PageSpeed Insights...
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5 Tips for Better SEO Writing Your...
Content Marketing Institute - 10/7/21
Drop Great Anchor Text to Keep Your...
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5 Easy Changes Google Could Make to...
6 SEO Tips for B2B Brands
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WORDSTREAM - 9/15/21
What is Schema Markup? (+6 Easy Types...
For any digital marketer who wants to elevate their SEO performance, taking the time to add schema.org markup to their web pages can help those pages appear in rich results, which are more clickable and desirable to users.
G2 - 9/15/21
How to Actually Quantify the ROI of...
There are two ways that site owners have traditionally quantified the ROI of SEO traffic. First, the price they would have paid to buy that traffic in Google Ads. Second, the actual revenues generated from those organic clicks. Unfortunately, both of these strategies require really high revenues and squeaky clean analytics – something many smaller or newer websites with less resources don’t have.
ReadWrite - 9/6/21
How Will the Page Experience Update Transform...
After a year of anticipation, Google’s long-awaited Page Experience Update has finally rolled out. That means websites that are fast loading, responsive, and high-performing will now have a better chance of ranking for relevant search queries.
Serpstat - 8/17/21
Why the Death of Cookies Could Make...
Google announced that their long-term plan to make third-party cookies obsolete in Chrome will now be delayed until 2023. This is bad news for users concerned about privacy, but for digital advertisers who have been dreading the death of third-party cookies, it's a little sweeter.
Search Engine Journal - 8/16/21
A Guide to Google Search Console Reporting...
When it comes to running a successful SEO agency, there is nothing more important than proving the value of your services to clients. But without comprehensive reporting, your clients might not see or understand the full impact of your SEO campaigns.
allBusiness - 7/19/21
Strengths and Weaknesses of the Major Digital...
Every business faces the difficult challenge of determining where to best direct its digital marketing spend. Figuring out which platforms will be the most profitable for your business depends on your target audience, your budget, and how people find products and services like yours.
LOCALiQ - 7/1/21
What Is Reputation Management? (+9 Tips to...
The more your business grows, the more other people on the internet will mention your brand name. From third-party review sites to Wikipedia articles, there are so many places on the internet where potential customers can go to learn about your products, services, and your overall business reputation.
Search Engine Journal - 6/29/21
17 Reasons Why Your Enterprise SEO May...
Enterprise-level websites often have hundreds to thousands of landing pages. With so much content for Google to crawl, index, and rank, an enterprise SEO plan can be easily derailed.
WORDSTREAM - 6/16/21
How to Use Google Search Console (the...
Google Search Console is a powerful tool that business owners, marketers, and SEO specialists can use to elevate their site’s digital presence and organic traffic.
MarketingProfs - 6/9/2021
Why B2B Companies Need Closed-Loop Analytics
In 2020, B2B digital marketing spend surpassed $8 billion and accounted for 11.3% of company budgets, on average. Although those numbers are expected to grow in 2021, only 1 out of 5 B2B brands are successfully tracking the ROI of their paid media campaigns.
Content Marketing Institute - 5/17/21
3 Quality Signals That Help Content Rank...
Quality may be in the eye of the beholder, but in the case of Google, it’s in the eyes of crawlers. From your text to your meta tags to your style sheets, Google looks at it all to understand the quality of your content.
CXL - 4/22/21
4 Advanced Meta Tags For SEO You...
There are four advanced HTML tags that can help you improve the rankings of your most valuable and highest-converting pages.
Search Engine Journal - 4/19/21
Meta Tag Generators: How, Why & When...
Google, in part, relies on meta tags to understand the relevance of our content to users' search queries. Over the years, developers have created meta tag generators to help us fill in these meta tags and make it easier for search engines to understand our webpage content.
Content Marketing Institute - 4/12/21
5 Mistakes That Google Doesn’t Like and...
Your pages aren't ranking higher in Google because you're probably making these five mistakes – Content Marketing Institute.
AllBusiness - 3/30/21
7 Effective Ways to Increase Engagement with...
Ask questions of your audience. ... Promote webinars as events. ... Use video assets when you can. ... Use longer ad copy to look more organic. ... Think more about timing and schedule your ads accordingly. ... Deliver answers to questions in direct messages.
Search Engine Journal - 3/23/21
Keyword Clusters: How to Level up Your...
Keyword clusters are a more advanced SEO content strategy that can give you the edge you need to win in competitive verticals.
SmartBrief - 3/19/21
Want to improve your company culture? Try...
Happiness and optimism actually fuel performance and achievement - giving us a competitive edge.
CXL - 3/3/21
How to Use Your PPC Campaigns as...
When launching a digital brand, PPC can be a great way to immediately break into a new market and start generating website traffic.
OnCrawl - 3/2/21
Google's Crawl Budget: How it Works and...
For every website on the internet, Google has a fixed budget for how many pages their bots can and are willing to crawl.
Search Engine Watch - 1/20/21
How to perform SEO A/B testing in...
For SEO strategists, it is sometimes difficult to know which of the many changes we make to our websites actually impact their overall SEO performance.
Search Engine Watch - 11/26/20
The Anatomy of a Negative SEO Attack
LinkGraph CTO, Manick Bhan, discusses the most common types of negative SEO and details how site owners can perform negative SEO remediation.
Search Engine Watch - 10/26/20
PageRank Sculpting: How to Get More From...
LinkGraph CTO, Manick Bhan, discusses how PageRank sculpting with internal links and A/B testing is a powerful strategy to improve rankings for high-value landing pages.
Venture Beat - 10/24/20
Can the Department of Justice Teach Google...
After a year-long investigation into Google’s dominance in search and online advertising, the Department of Justice filed an antitrust lawsuit against the company this past week.
Addicted2Success - 10/3/20
How to be a Responsible Investor of...
As someone who thrives on productivity and performs best when tasked with multiple challenges and responsibilities, I’m constantly trying to sharpen my entrepreneurial toolkit.
Addicted2Success - 8/25/20
How to Stay Happy in the Hustle
Did you know that 45% of people in the U.S. have reported to have a side gig on top of their full-time job? That’s about 70 million people.
Search Engine Watch - 8/21/20
What the Commoditization of Search Engine Technology...
LinkGraph’s CTO, Manick Bhan predicts that with GPT-3 technology, the biggest disruption to Google search may soon be on the horizon.
Search Engine Watch - 7/22/20
1000 Ranking Factors: How Google Finds Signal...
LinkGraph's CTO, Manick Bhan, explains how machine learning is helping us better understand how Google finds and evaluates content quality signals when ranking web pages.
Business 2 Community - 7/13/20
Here’s Why your Google Ads Campaigns Aren’t...
Creating a high-performing Google Ads campaign is no simple task. Adwords has become increasingly competitive across every niche, and even the most skilled digital marketers can end up running unprofitable campaigns.
Addicted2Success - 7/5/20
Why Working Faster Matters, Even When you...
Too many people work slowly because they fear making mistakes, but the cliché saying is true: time is money. Jeff Bezos recently argued that being wrong can hurt you,
Business 2 Community - 7/2/20
Why SEO (Not Google Ads) is Still...
When it comes to jump-starting your site traffic and growing your business, paid media can be enticing because of its ability to get your company in front of real people searching for products or services like yours.
Addicted2Success - 6/21/20
My Company Went Vegan to Change our...
At my company, a team lunch involves veggie burgers, coconut curry with tofu, and flavorful vegan falafel. When new employees on-board, we host our welcome lunches at plant-based taquerias and delis.
Digital Connect Mag - 6/11/20
5 Work from Home Habits we should...
During the past two months, many organizations discovered the hard way that they didn’t have the infrastructure to support company-wide remote work.
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When It Comes To Startup Hiring, 'Always...
When trying to get a startup off the ground, so much time and effort goes into developing the product and reaching the customer that founders often forget about the most important part of the company – the team.

Speaking engagements

“If you’re hosting a conference or event and are looking for speakers on the topics of marketing, entrepreneurship, software engineering, or philanthropy, I’d love to talk. My goal is to bring excitement, fun, and practical application to my talks so your audience leaves with actionable advice and a ton of energy.”

Manick Bhan, CTO at LinkGraph

As Featured in

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Speaking Events
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When I'm not coding or working, photography and travel are passions of mine.

Organizations I Love

I do my best to use my platform to elevate organizations that are giving back to animals, our communities, and the environment. I'm committed to donating a significant percentage of our revenue to impactful organizations.

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At LinkGraph, you’ll work with team members that value one another’s skills and expertise. Our philosophy is simple – hire diverse, driven individuals who foster a culture that empowers great work for our clients.

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Video & Podcast Showcase


GMB Pros: Search Atlas | Evergreen SEO


Holistic SEO: Fact or Fiction? | WIX Podcast


Holistic SEO Strategies for Agencies


7FA: Supercharge Your SEO Strategy With Search Atlas


SEO On-Air: Overcoming SEO Challenges and Ethical Debates with Manick Bhan


Cancel Ahrefs & Use Search Atlas With Special Guest Manick Bhan


Tips for Creating Successful Technology Companies with Manick Bhan


Manick Bhan's Ad World Talk on Google Ranking Factors


Mastering Crawl Budget Optimization at brightonSEO ft. Manick Bhan


Scaling Organic Search Growth Through SEO Automation


Mastering SEO's Four Pillars: Insights from Manick Bhan, CTO of LinkGraph.com


Live Event - SEORockStars 2023 - Presenting Manick Bhan

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